The Girl from Pussycat


The Girl from Pussycat wants you to join her gang of sex-crazed semi-lesbian sociopathic sex-kittens as they pick up guys, make love to gals, and even rob a bank. And what better way to celebrate stealing a cool $250,000 than to throw the money on the floor, invite some friends over, and have an old-fashioned orgy on top of it. But when one of their dumb boyfriends threatens to call the cops, butch boss Bobbi promptly cooks his fingers in a toaster in this sleazy celebration of sin and skin.

Cast:Inga Daar, Gay Lamour, Bayard King, Genevieve Wilde, Karin Catlin, Fanny Rickles,

Genre:Crime, Drama,

country:United States of America,


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